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“Hero in Gray” Halts Runaway Car on Overpass


民警沈鹏 受访者供图 Shen Peng, the heroic police officer Photo courtesy of the interviewee

越野车拦停失控汽车 视频截图 The SUV halts the runaway vehicle Screenshot from dashcam footage

汽车失控撞向护栏 The car crashed into the guardrail after losing control

极目新闻首席记者 叶文波

翻译:袁雨欣 付桢 许洲(湖北大学)

Reporter: Ye Wenbo, JIMU News

Translators: Yuan Yuxin, Fu Zhen, Xu Zhou (Hubei University)


On the afternoon of October 20, a harrowing car accident unfolded at an off-ramp of the overpass on Optics Valley Avenue in Wuhan. A driver lost consciousness behind the wheel following a sudden medical emergency, causing his car to crash straight into the guardrail before cruising down the overpass. In this life or death situation, the driver of a gray SUV with the license plate “EA6PZ19” managed to halt the runaway car without second thought.


Mr. Liu Xin and his wife, Mrs. Li, both based in Wuhan, witnessed the ordeal. Mr. Liu stated that at 4:21 p.m. on the 20th of October,he was driving home. When he approached an off-ramp near the Contemporary International Garden Community on the Optics Valley Avenue Overpass in the East Lake High-tech Zone, he noticed a new energy vehicle parked at the fork. “We just assumed that the driver was not familiar with the route and unsure whether to take the off-ramp or not,” Mr. Liu said. A few seconds later, that car suddenly sped up, rushed towards the guardrail on the right side of the ramp, and then dashed alongside the guardrail.


“We were completely horrified in that moment,” said Mrs. Li. She immediately reminded her husband to be cautious and keep a distance from the car.


At the same time, a gray Dongfeng Nissan SUV, with the license plate “EA6PZ19”, sped towards the runaway vehicle. When the SUV approached the right side of the car, the driver managed to intercept the cruising car and bring it to a stop. This entire ordeal was recorded on Mr. Liu’s dashcam.


Mr. Liu and his wife got out of their car to help, only to find the driver of the out-of-control car already unconscious with his head tilting back, his hands hanging down, and his foot still slammed against the accelerator. The diver of “EA6PZ19” calmly dialed 120 (medical emergency number) and 122 (hotline for traffic accidents) before reminding Mr. Liu to call the police.


Soon after, Wuhan police and first responders arrived at the scene. All present worked together to lift the unconscious driver into the ambulance for medical care.


“Hats off to the driver of the gray car because he was incredibly brave and decisive,” said Mrs. Li. Learning that the gray car did not have a dashcam, Mr. Liu offered to exchange contacts with the SUV driver. “If any evidence or help is needed, we are more than willing to help,” Mr. Liu added.


At 9 p.m. on Sunday, Jimu News reporters learned that the driver of the SUV that stopped the car is Shen Peng, deputy director of the Police Command Department of Qingshan District of Wuhan Public Security Bureau.


Shen Peng explained that he was driving his personal vehicle and happened to pass by when he spotted the runaway car. He accelerated in an attempt to get closer and noticed that the driver’s head was tilted back and his hands were hanging down. He realized that the driver might be suffering from a sudden bout of illness, so he decisively slammed into his car in an effort to stop the out-of-control vehicle.


“The main road is just ahead. If that car continued at that speed, it would most likely hit pedestrians or other vehicles. When the public is in danger, we police officers must step forward and take action.” Shen Peng told the Jimu News reporter.


The reporter got in touch with Mrs. Zhao, the wife of the rescued driver, on Sunday evening. She had already called Shen Peng to express her gratitude. Mrs. Zhao explained that her husband, Mr. Yuan, who is 50 years old, suffers from hypertension and diabetes which is why he rarely drives. At that time, he was alone in the car and lost consciousness shortly after getting on the road. Fortunately, with the help of Shen Peng and the other kind motorists, her husband was promptly transported to the hospital for treatment and is now in stable condition.






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