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Heroes come from the people:Making History Despite Defeat

七夏4个月前 (10-31)新闻资讯140


Making History Despite Defeat

极目新闻记者 陈凌燕

摄影记者 邹斌

翻译 张彤 陈柳 方丽华(湖北大学)

Jimu News repoter: Chen Lingyan

Photographer: Zou Bin

Translators: Zhang Tong, Chen Liu and Fang Lihua (Hubei University)


On October 13, Aryna Sabalenka defeated Zheng Qinwen 2-1, clinching her third title at the 2024 WTA Wuhan Open,along with a prize of $525,000 and 1,000 ranking points.


Following the match, Sabalenka welcomed her fourth title of the season, 17th title of her career and seventh win at a WTA 1000 event. Zheng Qinwen, the runner-up, equallymade history by becoming the first Chinese player to win an award inthe Singles matches at the Wuhan Open.

10月13日晚,在2024年WTA武汉网球公开赛女单决赛中,白俄罗斯选手萨巴伦卡(右)2比1战胜中国选手郑钦文(左),夺得冠军。获得亚军的郑钦文也创造了历史,她是武网赛会历史上第一位站上单打领奖台的中国选手。【On the evening of October 13th, Belarusian tennis player Aryna Sabalenka (R) defeated Zheng Qinwen of China (L) 2-1, reigning supreme at the Women’s Singles Final during the 2024 WTA Wuhan Open. Zheng Qinwen, the runner-up, also made tournament history as the first Chinese player to win an award in the Singles matches at the Wuhan Open.】


Fierce “Tiger Girl”


Ranked world No.2 and dubbed the “Queen of Concrete” for her winning streaks in hard-court major titles,Sabalenka is the first player to make the singles finals three times in the history of the Wuhan Open. Zheng Qinwen, ranked seventh in the world, became the first Chinese player at a singles final when she first debuted inthe main draw of the Wuhan Open. The two have previously faced each other on three occasions, in the AustralianOpen final this year and in the quarter finalsof the US Open last year and this year, during which Sabalenka reigned all three times.This was the pairs’ first encounter during amatchbesides the Grand Slam.


Once the match began, Sabalenka’s great power, fastspeed, and sharp angles were on full display, living up to her image as “tiger girl”. In the opening set, she broke serve firstand maintained a steady pace,takingthefirstset6-3.


An analysis of the first set reveals the difference in offensive firepower between the duo. Both had close success rates in the firstserve, yet during the secondserve, Zheng Qinwen scored at 40%while Sabalenka was up to a whooping 83%.


Tenacious“Queen Wen”


Inthe face of a strong opponent, Zheng Qinwen, as she highlighted prior tothe game,tried to stay calm before executing her game plan.


Serving is Zheng’s strong suit, a key to herlead in ACE numbers among all WTA female players this season. During her battle against Sabalenka, she ramped up her game hitting some quick and fierce serves, which came at the price of double faults.


Zheng encountered the same issue whilereceivingthe serve, when she played roughin an attempt to draw even. In the face of the ferocious Sabalenka, conservativeplay was sure to lead her nowhere. She can only try her best to find scoring opportunities.


In the second set, Zhengserved first and riled up the crowd with a series of impressive shots.After a break by Sabalenka, Zheng did not panic and instead clawed one break back herself, giving her a firm footing in the game.Zhengalso capitalized onSabalenka’s waning performance, hittinghigh-quality shotsbefore takingthe set 7-5.


The Ultimate Duel


As the matchushered in its decisive set, excitement in the crowd soared, a deafening roar of cheers ringing from the bleachers.Serving first, Zheng Qinwen struggled with leveling the scoresunder Sabalenka’s tight defense, asher two consecutive serveswerebroken. Sabalenka ramped up the pressure gaininga 3:0 advantage.


Zheng gathered herself and fought harder, retaliating witha breakagainst her opponent.However, Sabalenka, withhertop notch skills and unmatched experience soon gained the upper hand, takinganother set 6:3 to win the match.


Despite the loss, Zheng’s progress is still remarkable, as she narrows the gap between her andSabalenka. At the age of 22, she became the first Chinese player to win an award inthe Singles matches at the Wuhan Open, and even raised public interest intennis to a new height.


Thanks to the Fans


At the award ceremony, Zheng Qinwen said: “I am very happy to reach the finalsof the Wuhan Open. I played to my best abilities and I hope to do better next time.”


This was Zheng’sfirst ever WTA1000 tournament final. She saidaffectionatelythat Wuhan was the place where her dream began, adding with the match being held in Wuhan this time around everything was perfect. She thanked her hometown fans for their support and encouragement.


Sabalenka also praised Zheng and expressed her gratitude to the fans in Wuhan. She stated that the outcome was a positive one for Zhengand her team and believed that they wouldmeet in even more matchesin the future.

郑钦文在比赛中(Zheng Qinwen in action)


SabalenkaApplauds Zheng Qinwen:Zheng Boosts Popularity of Tennis

极目新闻记者 胡迪凯

Jimu News reporter: Hu Dikai


“I’m glad I pushed to the end and won the trophy. Compared to last year, when I played against Zheng Qinwen at the US Open, she has definitely improved.” On the evening of October 13, after becoming the “triple champion” of the Wuhan Open, Sabalenka praised Zheng Qinwen during the post-match press conference.


How did Sabalenkahandle her face off against the Wuhan native Zheng Qinwen on Chinese soil? Responding to the reporter’s question, Sabalenka statedduring the game, she focused on herself, reviewed her tactics and maintained high spirits. Unfazed by anything off the court, Sabalenkaenjoyed a fairly smooth match.


How did she feelabout this trip toChina,from China Open to Wuhan Open? Sabalenkasaid:“The breakthroughs made by Chinese players in competitions, like Zheng Qinwen winning an Olympic gold medal, reaching the semifinals of the China Open and the finals of the Wuhan Open, have sparked an interest in tennis among Chinese spectators. This is a great success for Chinese tennis.”


Recently during the tournament, Sabalenka’s theme song wasplayed repeatedly on the court. “The first time I heard this song was in Miami in July and I was injured at the time. I love this song, I was really surprised to hear it at the Wuhan Open.”Sabalenka said, adding that the track was created by a friend of her boyfriend.


Sabalenka ranks second in the worldon the current points table,only 69 points behind No. 1 Swiatek.In the upcoming year-end finals, she is expected to surpass her current ranking. On her current plans, Sabalenka confirmed this is one of her goals, however, her foremost concern is to focus on herselfand strive towards better performance. As for the results, the finals will be the ultimate showdown.

萨巴伦卡在比赛中(Sabalenka in action)






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