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Heroes come from the people:Elderly man from Xi’an who cycled to Wuhan was i...

七夏3个月前 (10-18)新闻资讯140


Elderly man from Xi’an who cycled to Wuhan was invited to revisit Wuhan during the National Day Holi

极目新闻记者 余渊

翻译 黄蕾 陶然 Lisa M.K (湖北大学)

Reporter: Yu Yuan, JIMU News

Translators: Huang Lei, Tao Ran, Lisa M.K (Hubei University)


Aluxuriant creeping fig climbs over the courtyard wall of the rural homestead. Chen Youyin, a 75-year-oldfarmer living in Lantian county, Xi’an city, Shaanxi province, decided to temporary leave the place he has called home majority of his life.


Where was he headed? Chen Youyin had a specific destination in mind: Wuhan. He wanted to see “the first bridgeover the Yangtze River” with his own eyes, a bridge his former company commander constantly talked about while he served in the military. For the last 50 years, not once has Chen forgotten about this dream.


During thesummervacation, Chen Youyin’s grandson, a high schooler,was available to care for Chen’sailing wife. With three changes of clothes, an old military raincoat, 1400 yuan in hidden savings and a large bottle of water, Chen Youyin set off for Wuhan on a bicycle he had picked up from the side of the road, unbeknownst to hisfamily.


Over 1000 kilometers and29 days, Chen Youyin, hishair and beard completely white, finally arrived in the city of his dreams. It was as if he had traveled through a time tunnel, witnessing the immense changes in the world around him.


On August 8th, Chen Youyin cooked three bowls of noodles as usual, just as he always did. After sharing lunch with his wife and grandson, he took a shower and changed into clean clothes. To relieve his family of further financial strain, he withdrew 1400 yuan that had been gifted to himby his relatives and friends 30 years ago.


Before leaving, he purchased a bottle of cooking oil after noticing they were nearly out. As per usual, he left the change on the table, and this had for a while led his family to believe he left without a penny.


In an attempt to save money, Chen decided to ride a shared bicycle he found at the village entrance. He thought,“Though it mighttake longer to get to Wuhan, I will eventually make it.”


Following the regularroute, he would arrive inWuhan aftercycling over 700 kilometers, through cities like Shangluo, Shiyan, Xiangyang and Suizhou. However, he took a detour toKaifeng in Henan province, where he had been stationed during his military service, and this stretched his journey to over 1000 kilometers.


Cycling eastwards all the way to the Lantian county, hethen turnednorth cycling for more than 40 kilometers, before finally stoppingat a three-way junction in Weinan City. After a bowl of noodles, Chen Youyin rested at the doorstep of a closed shop for the night. The next day, he woke up feeling a bit sore in his legs and feet but was in great spirits. Hethenwashed up at a gas station, ate a steamed bun and continued his journey.


Departing from Weinan, Chen soon entered the Mount Hua region, where the road began to get steeper. “A lot of times I had to push my bike forward.” Chen said in the interview with Jimu News.


Exiting Tongguan to the east, and traveling through Sanmenxia, Luoyang and Zhengzhou in Henan Province, Chen Youyin arrived in Kaifeng. He recalled that when he was a soldier in 1970, the area was extremelysandy, so muchthat pedestrians were often afraid to open their mouths. Nowadays, it was filled with trees as well as high-rise buildings, and the muddy roads of the past have been transformed into spacious avenues.


He also located his former company. His comrades, upon hearing that he was cycling to Wuhan, gifted him a new pair of shoes.


After a short stay in Kaifeng, Chen Youyin returned to Zhengzhou and headed south. Without a cell phone, he had to rely on road signs and the directions of pedestrians to navigate his way throughout the journey.


During the journey, Chen Youyin was frugal and set a restrictionfor himself: he would only eat 2 meals a day, and spend no more than 10 yuan per meal.


“I typically had two steamed buns, with a bowl of cold noodles or Henan spicy soup.”He explained. Drinking water was not on his budget and wouldinsteadpicked up four large empty bottles of mineral water on the road and filled eachwith water at gas stations, ensuring he had a day’s worth.


As for lodging, he would find a closed storefront each night, laying out his military raincoat on the ground in front of the doorbefore going to sleep in his clothes.


Every three to five days, Chen wouldfreshen up ata bathhouse, which cost a little over10 yuan each time, his biggest expense apart from eating.


Throughout his journey, Chen Youyin experienced many heartwarming moments. For instance, a young man from Baoji who ran a snack stall in Zhengzhou, insisted on covering his meal when he learned Chen was from Shaanxi. Before Chen left, the young man also packed him five steamed buns. “I told him I could pay, but the young man said, ‘You are about the same age as my grandfather; it's nothing to treat you to a meal.’”Chen Youyin told the reporter.


One night, a woman riding an electric bike followed him at a slow speed, using her headlights to illuminate his path. He thanked her and eventually convinced her to leave. No sooner hadshe left, than a police car arrived. It turned out that the lady had called the police out of concern for his safety. After learning about his situation, the police turned their lights on to provide him with illumination until he found a place to stay.


“With so many people helping me, it was only a matter of time before I arrived in Wuhan.”Chen Youyin said with a smile.


After a challenging journey of over 1000 kilometersspanning 29 days, Chen arrived in Wuhan on the morning of September 5th. Although the old commander told him the story of “Shanghai” and “Wuhan”, the scale and beauty of Wuhan still exceeded Chen's expectations, which filled him with awe and excitement.


Even after 50 years, Chen still vaguely remembers how the commander praised the magnificence of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge.


To Chen’s surprise, over10 bridges have since been built over the Yangtze River in Wuhan. To date he is yet to pinpointwhich was the first Yangtze River Bridge he saw.


In his recollection, it was a steel frame bridge towering five storieshigh. Standing on the bridge, he could see large ships slowly sailing on the broad river. However, he later learned that this bridge was not the “First Bridge of the Yangtze River”as described by the commander.


Over the next two days, Chen visited three more Yangtze River Bridges, each with its own characteristics. While he wanted to visit all the Yangtze River Bridges, time could not permit him.


“I saw students on the streets of Wuhan carrying suitcases to school, which reminded me that it was time for my grandson to go back to school too.”said Chen. It was now a rush against time, ashis grandson returningto the city for schoolentailedhis wife would be left without anyone to care for her.


Despite some regrets, there were more surprises.


Chen Youyin smiled as he recounted how he saw a driverless taxi in Wuhan for the first time. “Others told me that this is Robotaxi, a kind of driverless car.”said Chen. Having seldom traveledfar in recent decades, he was amazed by how much the world had changed.


Chen’s story has touched the hearts of thousands online, who have showered him with praise. Many commented, “Belief in our hearts translates to strength in our legs!”and “You are amazing!”.


Chen’s former comrades have also reached out to him through various channels. What brought Chen the most joy was a recent phone call with his former commander. The commander, who is from Jingzhou in Hubei province, expressed surprise that his words had stayed with Chen forlast50 years.


Aweek after Chen had returned home, the Wuhan Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau contacted him and invited him and his family to visit Wuhan during the National Day holiday. Chen was beaming with joyas he could now realize his long-held dream of seeingthe Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. “I am grateful to all the people who have cared for and helped me.”said Chen.

老人收到武汉长江大桥夜景照片(受访者供图)【The elderly man received the nightscape photograph of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge (Courtesy ofthe interviewee)】






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